Epsilon Tau History
The Beginning of a Chapter
Chartered May 4, 2013, by Southwestern Regional Director, Charlotte D. Berry, a group of 10 dedicated and enthusiastic women, had a strong desire to bring the vision of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. to more communities in the DFW area. The ten charter members were: Wendy B. Jacques, Michelle Peace, LaToya Randle, Robin Mack, Katrina (Martin) Stevens, Tiffany Bryant, Carmon Brown, Shelia C. Fisher, Dorian Jordan and Dr. Tonya Sawyer McGee.
Wendy B. Jacques served as the chapter’s first president. In the chapter’s first nine years, the chapter has been awarded National and Regional recognition for its programmatic work, sponsored three National scholarship winners, three Regional scholarship winners, several Regional and National essay winners, a National Soror of the Year, Regional Journalist and National Secretary. We are truly “gladiators”.